Saturday, February 26, 2011

It's Melting

One of the joys of living where it doesn't snow too much is that I get to enjoy the snow and I rarely have to shovel it. Snow falls and usually in a few days or so it all melts off. This morning I went for a drive to see if I could find some elk out in the Sherwood Valley . The valley is really beautiful and it hard to imagine that it once was home to a decent sized town and a sawmill. All that remains is one home on the far west end of the valley. I searched for the elk and didn't find any. Most of the elk have moved off into the Spring valley Ranch. So I took an image of the big red barn on the ranch from a distance. I also found a few rabbit tracks and weeds covered in frost. On the return home up the ridge I discovered a doe and a yearling Blacktail Deer in one of their usual haunts. It was a beautiful morning out in the melting snow.

God's precious light and love to all,


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